The zodiac, mysterious and fascinating, groups together twelve astrological signs that influence our lives in fascinating ways. Each sign represents a unique personality and offers intriguing insights into our destiny.

Whether you're an astrology enthusiast or simply curious to know more about yourself and others, this article will reveal the spellbinding secrets of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Get ready for an exciting exploration of astrology that is sure to captivate you.

In the distant past, long before the world was shaped as we know it today, the gods of Olympus, perched on their celestial dwelling, got together to create something unique for the inhabitants of Earth. They decided to endow each individual with specific characteristics, thus shaping the foundations of the Western astrological signs.

At the heart of this divine assembly, Zeus, the king of the gods, took the initiative of dividing the zodiac into twelve sections, each corresponding to a period of the year. The gods, inspired by the variety of nature and living beings, chose specific symbols to represent each sign.

Aries was the first to emerge, impulsive and courageous, symbolising the start of spring. Next came Taurus, robust and determined, representing the strength and fertility of the growing soil.

Gemini appeared under the guidance of Mercury, messenger of the gods, symbolising duality and communication. It was the beginning of summer, a time of movement and exchange.

Cancer, devoted and protective, appeared with the arrival of the summer solstice, symbolising maternal warmth and the family. Then the proud Lion, reigning over summer, made his majestic entrance, symbolising strength, leadership and power.

Virgo, associated with harvest and purity, marked the beginning of autumn. Then Libra, guided by Venus, brought balance and harmony. Scorpio, the mysterious and passionate, emerged with the onset of autumn, symbolising transformation and emotional intensity. Sagittarius, the intrepid traveller, followed, symbolising expansion and the quest for truth.

Capricorn, the sign of perseverance and ambition, materialised with the arrival of winter. Next came Aquarius, the bearer of knowledge and ideas, symbolising change and innovation.

Finally, Pisces, sensitive and imaginative, marked the end of winter, symbolising compassion and spiritual connection.

Each astrological sign was thus created, imbued with the qualities of the gods and the forces of nature. These signs would henceforth serve as celestial guides, influencing the personalities, destinies and interactions of human beings throughout the ages.

A bit of history...